Home swim meet - volunteers
Hello all,
There have been a few last minute changes to volunteer positions, so I thought I would give everyone a heads up and let you know what you've been assigned for tomorrow's meet in case you have already checked the app.
If you are unable to volunteer tomorrow or have any questions or concerns about the role you've been assigned, please do not hesitate to reach out to me. Thanks - Alexis
Kid Pushers:
6&U: Riffle and Sidney, 7/8: Miller and Castro, 9/10: Blackmon (Dean), Fitzsimmons
Relay Assistants: Janssen (Annemarie) and Cooper
Timers; Hockett, Kovalaske, Marney, Mollan, Potter, Slavis
Head Timer: Masino
Stroke and Turn: West and Rowe
Order of Finish: Christiaan Janssen
Runner: DeGrow
Ribbon Distributor: Lisa Langley
Score Keeper: Chrissy Davidson and Andrea Blackmon
Clerk of Course: Sue Perry and Alexis Henry
Concessions: Adele West and Tracy McDonald
Starter/Announcer: Brad Perry
TSA Rep: Yuri Petriaev